Sunday, January 15, 2012

Starting at the beginning.

I am 23 years young, a mother of two beautiful children and a loving girlfriend of (almost) 5 years. I have a 7 year old step daughter and have to deal with her God awful mother.....

I'm starting this blog so I can prevent pulling out the REST of my hair.

I believe I will start with the amazing adventures of daycare! (and the resulting landslide of problems)

The past two weeks has been horrendous. I had never expected things to go how they did. On Tuesday, January 2nd, my children both started attending daycare! I'm sure you're thinking, "What fun! What joy! How exciting!" Unfortunately this was nowhere near my thought process. I was scared. I was sad. I was angry at myself for needing a job that took up so much of my time with them.

So the kids start daycare without a hitch. They barely cried, behaved for their teachers and made some pretty nifty artwork in the first week! I was getting excited about this daycare thing!

Then week two arrived... I get a phone call on Tuesday from daycare saying Delaney is inconsolable and needs to be picked up as soon as possible. I leave early from work and pick up both children. Delaney is miserable. She screams until red in the face, with giant crocodile tears rolling down her soft, rosy cheeks the entire ride home. We arrive at the apartment complex and pile out of the car. I, having my hands full with diaper bag, lunch box and sick screaming baby, let Cooper walk the four steps and down the pathway to our door on his own. "It's no big deal," I thought. "He has done this a hundred times before..." Then BAM! Cooper walks face first into a brick column. His eyebrow is busted open, blood running down his little face. He begins howling in pain, grabbing his face, smearing blood everywhere. I rushed into the house, put Delaney down and rush to the medicine cabinet. Delaney starts screaming because she is in pain and is no longer being held. Cooper is screaming because of his busted eyebrow. What about mom? Mom is on the verge of tears because everything seems to be falling apart at once.

I cleaned Cooper up and gave him a Buzz Lightyear bandaid. He looked pretty cool with his new battle wound. ;) I give both of the children ibuprofen for their pain and cuddle them on the sofa. Why don't mothers have 8 arms? Two is not nearly enough.

Wednesday arrives and Delaney is still in pain. I take her to urgent care and find out she has an ear infection. Wondrous! On the way to urgent care, I noticed the car acting up. I called BrakeMax to set up an appointment for after Dee's visit. We stop off at Walgreen's and pick up her medication and off to the auto place we go!

After waiting for 20 minutes, I am informed that the clutch is going out in my car. I am then told that it will cost, with labor, $1,375. I almost keeled over. Talk about sticker shock. My dad stops by to check out what's going on. You know how parents are, you are never too old for them to stop checking up on you. He co-signs for a credit of $1,000 and pays cash for the $375. Sometimes I don't know what I'd do without him. Probably drown.

Friday comes, the car is ready. Hooray! I'm pretty proud of myself for handling the situation in the way I did. I figured a credit broken down into monthly payments of less than $70 is better than forking out nearly $1,000 on the spot. Unfortunately, some don't exactly agree with that. My decision making isn't always considered educated. I take things in stride, try not to let it bother me.

Oh yeah, I was just informed by my boyfriend's baby mama that she's petitioning to move out of state with my step-daughter, but that's another entire page of drama better left for another day. ;)

So that's the beginning, I guess. I'm sure I've rattled on enough for today! I have written this blog with a sleeping 16 month old in my arms. It is decided. I need 8 arms. Puts a whole new twist on octomom.

1 comment:

  1. I know we were made with energizer batteries! Mom's just keep going, and going, and going...

    Hang in there girl! And thank God for Buzz Light Year band aides! I'm glad you are writing! :)
