Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Baby Mama Drama

I met Gavin when I was 13. He was friends with my oldest sister, Brenna, and I had a gigantic crush on him. He listened to the same music I did and was really sweet to me. Funny how young girls take older guys being nice to them a little too much to heart. He was 18 at the time and I knew, even at such a young age, that I would never date this dude.


I graduated high school in 2007. I was still working at CVS at the time and having complications with my cheating, drug addicted, alcohol dependent, delinquent of a "high school sweetheart." Gavin found me on FaceBook and wanted to catch up. I was game! He looked mostly the same, with a few extra pounds and a lot less hair. We exchanged numbers and had made a plan to eat and see a movie.

I, being the open and honest woman that I am, told Jason about it. I mean, he gets to go out wherever, whenever, with whomever he wants to. Why can't I? Apparently it was a huge deal. Jason flipped his top. I hadn't even gone to see Gavin and Jason was accusing me of cheating on him and all kinds of craziness. I told Jason that I was going no matter what he said because it's unfair to have a double standard. Well, he got crazier. Called me about 100 times that night and I kept ignoring him. Finally, I answered and Jason flat out told me he had been cheating on me since we started dating and that things were over. Wow. So guess who was there to let me cry on his shoulder? Da da da dahhhh! My hero! So that's what happens. Some men are just there for you when you need someone most and it means the world to you.

Now we are working on a 5 year relationship while raising our two beautiful children full time and his cute 7 year old on the weekends. The only downfall? Her mother.

Caitlin's mother, Danielle, is a crazy woman. I use the term crazy, quite loosely. I can't count the number of boyfriends, houses and jobs she has had in the past 5 years.

This woman argues over everything. She picks petty arguments over silly things. She will randomly text Gavin things such as "I'll call the police if you don't drop her off on time." "I need your address so I can serve you with paperwork." "You're a dead beat dad."  I would go on, but I just hate thinking about it. It makes my blood boil. Whatever happened to kindness? Whatever happened to please and thank you? Whatever happened to ladies acting like ladies?

I know what happened. She dropped out of high school after two weeks, got married at 15, pregnant at 16, and lost both of her oldest children to her husband due to a meth habit. Classy.

Danielle has a weird, for lack of a better word, life cycle... She will meet a guy, fall in love with him in a week, and move herself AND poor, sweet Caitlin into his home by week #3. Give the relationship three to nine months and it's done-zo! Danielle either moves into a studio/shack or back in with her mother. Wonderful cycle she has going on. Unfortunately, Danielle's little cycle ended when her mother, Starla, moved out of state. Now what is Danielle to do?

With Starla out of Arizona, Danielle has no free ride. She has no place to go if things with a new beau fall through. The news following this statement is unexpected! Danielle is trying to move to live with her mother! This lovely lady is petitioning for full custody and trying to take Caitlin from us. Was that too predictable? Oops! Hehe.

So I'm beyond upset. I've known this little girl since she was three years old.... I can't imagine life without her.

Last Sunday she told us she wanted to stay in Arizona with us. I asked her why and she said she would miss her brother and sister too much. OUCH! Haha. If only she had added, "and Dad and you!" Oh well, I'll take her wishing to stay in Arizona for any reason at this point. I don't want to see her go. I don't want to say goodbye.

If I had those 8 arms, I'd be tempted to strangle Danielle with each and every hand......

They still sound like a good idea. :)

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